Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Day After Tomorrow

This post was typed on the 18th of October.

Today is already the 18th of October, it shows there a just about 3 weeks or more than my big day, SPM. I am still trying to struggle and every night, I feel hard to sleep because there are still a lot more I need to do for my preparation. Honestly, I'm scare. But what can I do? Nothing!!! Just sit down and stare at my revision books.

As I have told, I manage to finish approximately 60% of my previous plan. Now, my plan goes up to 75%. Every single % need a plenty of time and sacrifice for example concentration. I predict that on the 25th of October, I will fulfill my plan. Just wait and see. Maybe my stupid and childish plan has its own worth. I hope so.

I will stop blogging for a while(this sentence was typed with tears in the eye).

Lastly, for all the SPM including STPM student I wish all of you good luck and all the best.

Let us meet again on the 27th of November. My next post will be posted on that day. See Ya!!!

Meet Again!!!

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